lauantai 9. heinäkuuta 2011

From now on - Tästä eteenpäin

Cause some days are better than others
Cause a rainy day is as beautiful as a sunny day
Cause a smile can turn a bad day into a good day
Cause the wind isn't always cold
Cause my heart is still beating
Cause so many people are happy
Cause there is so much to do in the world
Cause good books are forever such a pleasure
Cause a friendly hug will warm every time
Cause I'm not a quitter
Cause water makes us all float
Cause shadows aren't necessarily dark
Cause a kiss takes my breath away
Cause magic exists
Cause love is worth waiting for
Cause grass under bare feet tickles
Cause chewing gum is sticky
Cause letters are fun
Cause the sky changes colour
Cause music fascinates
Cause milk is white
Cause laughing makes us live longer
Cause that song is forever ours
Cause bright nights are unique
Cause too much sand between my toes is annoying
Cause ice cream is too good
Cause hardly anything really makes sense

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