torstai 22. elokuuta 2013

A morning

I was starting to feel emotionally numb, blind and deaf, and a terrible headache had been bothering me the whole morning. I knew the cause was my weeping reflection that just wouldn't stop crying no matter how hard I tried to make it smile.
     "... whatever " I sighed and left her in her own company; she'll calm down eventually.
     After considering for a while what the next step would be, I packed just something to survive for a couple of days, and left. I took a train with destination " capital " --- I knew that staying alone where I was would be the worst idea ever and I anyway felt more comfortable anywhere else but inside that house.
     During the Summer being constantly on the way to somewhere had become something I could really relate to a feeling called home, and so being I hoped that leaving would save me. At least I was already feeling much better and the headache was starting to fade away, too.
     Gradually I started to believe that last night had woken up the dragon.
     I felt the heat inside.

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