tiistai 3. syyskuuta 2013


I was looking at all the stuff I have in my room, the items that are physical forms of my memories. A can from a time machine, a customized pony, a sticker, a crown, a bracelet, a half heart, my first bottle of rum... They're all nice and throwing them away or storing them in a box breaks my heart just by the thought of it. But I don't need them to remember and I don't need to be reminded of all those things every day.
And then, it struck me: acknowledging.
I am leaving. Leaving my past along with all the knick knack incarnations.
A wise man once told me, not so very long ago:
They're past, gone, bye bye.


Now that I'm leaving I've started to think, what am I letting go? If I'm not here to hold on how many will walk away to be part of the past? Is this the time when those worthy are separated from the others? Is this the time when -- finally -- I see someone holding onto me?
Am I learning to let go?

I've started to realize how much of a burden it is to try and carry everything with me. No one had ever told me to let go; no one, I think, until he did. He taught me that letting go might actually make me stronger, something that never crossed my mind before.
First I maybe didn't believe, wordswordswords, they're all the same. But the thought sticked and stayed, the seed was planted and it grew to be an idea. Get a tighter grip by letting go.

As I'm writing this I suddenly see who I'm about to become. I want you to know that the dragon's eyes are open, she sees, she feels, and she's hungry for life.


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